Yesterday was my day for visiting the Azay One - I guess I am lucky we are allowed in to see her actually, given the hammering nursing homes have taken in this whole Covid thing. We are only allowed in for an hour, we have to sit around a sanitised table, wearing masks (well, apart from the Azay One), and have to complete and sign two attestations on arrival. Visits in rooms are not allowed. Still, all went well, but it is always a tiring day, so no blog yesterday, but I did take this photo late yesterday evening after I had locked up the chickens. Simple flowers and blossom attract many insects and it was heartening to see the variety last night on the Granny Smith apple blossom.
This morning, while John laboured, I went to the market at Baugé for a supply of good things - although the queue for fruit and vegetables did make me question my devotion to buying from small providers and local produce for preference, as it took me three quarters of an hour to get to the top of the queue! At least the weather was good but social distancing had gone out of the window!
The afternoon was devoted to outdoors things, including mowing for a client, watering our produce and cosseting the boys in the country. Now we are home and I need a gin and tonic so I will add the photos and call it a day. I may be more voluble tomorrow.