Freedom! Well sort of, anyway.
The weather to greet our new found freedoms was vile this morning - rain, blustery easterly winds and cold. So while our boulangerie was open again on Mondays (they had been closed during lockdown on Mondays), it wasn't an unconfined joy walking up there, even if I didn't have an attestation. But actually I did notice some differences - slightly more cars out and about and the barber at the top of the road was open and cutting hair. But my plans to be out and about planting spuds and going for a walk in the One Acre Wood were confounded by 25mm of rain in 18 hours and a nasty wind that makes going into woodland a tad foolish. However as the screen grab below shows, from here on in, it is due to get better.
The main excitement of the day was provided by Zola, when she brought in a sparrow. We thought she had a lizard, so didn't bother chasing her. It was only when I went upstairs to carry on working and saw her staring at the curtains, that I realised something more was afoot. Our bedroom windows are large and it is a long way down. The sparrow was unharmed, so it was a matter of getting the timing absolutely right to let the bird out, and close the window before Zola launched herself out of the window in pursuit. Fortunately I succeeded.
Otherwise, the news is full of how people are coping with going back to work and concerns about public transport. Small pockets of infection are cropping up which should serve to keep people focussed on the key messages of social distancing, hand washing and keeping safe. We are still waiting for our free face masks, but the 7th May copy of Private Eye finally turned up, saving us from an old but previously unread copy from February 2016. There was a spoof in there of Johnson working out which way to jump over Brexit and which would give him the better chance of becoming PM. Some things shouldn't be joked about.
With better weather, I should have more interesting things to report tomorrow, when I go out and about to see what freedom tastes like!